For the Love of Flowers: an online floral workshop

For the Love of Flowers: an online floral workshop


This is a fun online course and I am happy to have you join me for the love of flowers! The classes will be immediately available for you to watch at your own pace. In this class I take you through some of the techniques that I use to paint florals whether it is on old books or on journal covers or scrap pages! I will give you an introduction and supply list and I have filmed several different projects for you to learn from. I walk you through my thought process and show you how I use my paints and brushes. I try to keep it open and honest and real so you can see my process as I make decisions in real time about how to improve my pieces. You should be able to start practicing florals and make some of your own fun pieces that you can sell, display around your house or send as gifts or cards. Spending time creating should be fun and meditative—an act of self care and I am thrilled to share this time with you!

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